Warnet's using Linux now --- Warnet - warnet memakai Linux
{Saya belajar bahasa Inggris lagi, if u find any mistakes please tell me (^_^)}
Umm, There are two Internet Cafes in Stonefruit Street using Linux. They are Internetarium and Magnet. Well, using Linux is not much different than using Microsoft Windows, the cost became cheaper, but we lost some facilities such as video conference (by using yahoo messenger), download accelerator and ftp client. But, for me, the most important thing is the cost is cheaper, (since I still can not get any job, I don't have much money :D ) Mmmm...
There are rumour that in Center Java, almost all Internet Cafes has used Linux as their PC's operating system. I don't know whether this rumour is correct or not.
Oyeah, by the way, moving Judo picture near the title doesn't have any connection with the topic of this posting. I just like to put it with marquee (^_^;)
Wah , di jalan Buahbatu sudah dua warnet pake linux, Internetarium dan Magnet. Emang ga jauh beda sih, biayanya jadi murahan, tapi beberapa fasilitas seperti webcamnya yahoo messenger jadi gak ada. Juga fasilitas download accelerator/ flashget juga ga ada. Kadang ftp client juga ga ada. Tapi buat saya sendiri sih, yang penting biayanya murah. Saya browsing 45 menit di internetarium cuma 2000 rupiah. Mmmm....
Konon kabarnya, di jawa tengah hampir semua warnet sudah memakai Linux. Apa benar ya? Oiya, satu lagi, maaf kalau gambar di atas nggak ada hubungannya dengan linux. Saya cuma ketagihan pake marquee (^_^;)
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